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Looking back: 6th Summer School on Computational Interaction in Saarbrücken

Last week we organized the 6th summer school on computational interaction here at the Saarland Informatics Campus at Saarland University together with Jürgen Steimle and the Human-Computer Interaction group, supported by the Max Planck Institute for Informatics.
28 researchers from 25 different institutions from Europe and US came to Saarbrücken. We welcomed them with sunny weather, great food, and an excellent program. From Monday to Saturday, the week was packed with high-quality lectures, hands-on exercises, insightful keynotes from industry and academia, lab tours, and social events.

Even better than the program were the participants who came extremely motivated and were highly engaged from the first minute of the summer school. It was amazing to see such an excellent and diverse group of researchers coming together in Saarbrücken, 16 different nationalities and over 50% women. Especially after two years of mostly virtual events, physically getting together with other academics, exchanging ideas, and learning from each other was an invaluable part of this year’s summer school.

If you missed the chance to participate, the 7th summer school on computational interaction in 2023 will be organized by Nikola Banovic at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

More info about the summer school, the excellent speakers and program can be found on the summer schoool webpage and on Twitter:

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